Welcome to the Online Home for NADSA Members

You've arrived at the perfect place to connect with adult day center providers, state associations of providers, corporations, educators, students, retired workers and others interested in working to build better lives for adults in adult day programs every day. We are positively impacting the lives of participants, families, communities and our nation.

Our programs help adult day services supporters

  • Become an active voice influencing decisions at the national level
  • Save money on training and resources
  • Gain valuable insight from experienced adult day services colleagues
  • Stay informed about timely important issues affecting adult day programs and the people using the service
  • Acquire referrals for new participants from a link on our website.

Please join us as we build a strong, responsive association.

Benefit more by Joining

  • STATE ASSOCIATION MEMBERS PAY LESS - State/International Association Partnerships provide a deeply discounted rate for joining.
  • ONLINE STORE - Save money as you discover and enjoy the member discount on merchandise and events.
  • RESOURCE LIBRARY - Webinar Presentations (recorded), Sample Policies and Procedures from colleagues, Advocacy Toolkit, State Association Toolkit, National Adult Day Services Week Toolkit
  • VOTE ON LEADERSHIP - Vote!  Exercise your right to vote for the volunteers who serve as the Board of Directors and learn more about the active committees that make NADSA a terrific place to belong.
  • INFORMATION - Read the electronic alerts that are regularly sent to members so you stay informed of timely issues affecting adult day services nationwide.  Make sure your email is not blocked from the updates and update your email address with us by sending an email to nadsa@nadsa.org.
  • EDUCATION - Participate in webinars / teleconferences.  Many webinars are complimentary for members, so all staff at a member center’s location can participate. Updates are posted through alerts and on the website regularly.  Most webinar recordings are posted in the Resource Library.
  • NETWORKING - Attend the Association's annual conference.  Bring new ideas to your center and network with colleagues from across the United States.
  • RECOGNITION-- Nominate outstanding workers to receive the national recognition they deserve.

You don't have to be an expert to benefit from the National Adult Day Services Association--just a member!  Join today to enjoy the exclusive benefits of membership.

info@nadsa.org | 1-877-745-1440
2025 NADSA: Adult Day Services. All rights reserved.
info@nadsa.org 1-877-745-1440